Catholic activism article – Le Rouge et Le Noir (translation)

Wednesday, June 5, by Corsair

Press Yes, but how? Three modes of action

Young French Catholics are back, and we have yet to hear. A youth burning an ardent heart. A generation is born: on the label “generation Benedict XVI”, “WYD” or “Manif for all”, it is there, in order to “hollering the truth”, in the words of Charles Péguy.

These young people are thirsty for action. They want to communicate the truth and fight for the real. Their desire is to advocate. Yes, but how?

It cannot be that recommend you the reading of the remarkable work of Philippe Darantière: for a Catholic political action. [1]

Philippe Darantière, consultant in crisis management and essayist, relies in this book on the doctrinal Note prepared by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith [2] in November 2002. After having analyzed the role of Catholics in the city and discussed future challenges, Philippe Darantière comes to the issue of militant courses of action necessary.

Three options are available to Catholics:

(1) The legal challenge

It is the most common, the most obvious challenge. This is the most comfortable way to challenge the rogue policies implemented by the State: without challenging the established order, the activists will try to reverse the legal things, through legal and democratic.

For example: petitions for referral to the EESC, or amendments to Bill.

The problem is that too many Catholics shut themselves in this dispute. Thus, Philippe Darantière warns in his book:

« It is the common illusion of Catholic activists, who confuse respect for the rules imposed with the Evangelical charity. We have seen, Christ knew how to play by the rules! And increasingly, as Pope John Paul II, democracy teaches uses its weapons to make hostile to the Catholic faith arbitration to the point that unjust laws cannot longer be regarded as “engage in conscience” Catholics in their application. »

Thus, if the legal challenge must necessarily be implemented, we must not lock us, because the danger facing us is legalism frenzied, enemy of the good and the truth when the State provides unfair laws (law Veil, denaturation of marriage etc.).

In addition, the legal challenge does not always successful: the case of “marriage” for same-sex pairs provides us a glaring illustration. Therefore, go more in depth in the challenge.

(2) The societal challenge

It’s the resistance of consciousness to an unjust order. Societal challenge consists, according to Philippe Darantière, to ” take action to change values, social, codes standards .. »

You can try to find a recent illustration of this procedure with the movement of the vigil: it is indeed a ” transgression of the authority established “, establishing a ” psychological pressure “. The image of peaceful youth reading from Péguy and singing expectancy necessarily causes an uncomfortable situation for the proponents of the established order. However, even peaceful vigils are subversive both substantive (values backwash) and the shape (extra-legal framework, unauthorized gatherings). The fringe character can cause discomfort for some people to our cause, provided this subversive path must be exploited.

(3) The radical challenge

More sulfurous and more delicate than the societal challenge, the radical challenge is today at the heart discussions. Take advantage of this article to recall the meaning of the term “radical”: is radical one who returns to the root. This challenge is therefore the deeper in it intends to ” change the system, the company, the entire man . ».

As the societal challenge, the radical challenge opposes the force of law; However it goes further: ” it relies on another field of legitimacy that the established order . Is Antigone against Creon. This challenge is the “hardest” of all. But contrary to the Gospels? In times of crisis, on the occasion of exceptional situations. Indeed, it is worth remembering the strength of Christ when he drove the merchants of the Temple, as mentioned by Philippe Darantière in his work. Such a challenge is sometimes necessary; its efficiency, today, asks to be proven. The French spring seems closer to the latest design challenge.

The procedures are therefore multiple: these are all Windows shooting, according to the opportunities. Not all have the same efficiency. They meet different needs. Let us seize them, and exercise the right method at the right time, in order to overcome the truth.

Pressure groups, followers of the boycott and peaceful resistance, or ardent Chouans du XXIe century, the France needs you!


[1] For Catholic political action, according to the social doctrine of Benedict XVI, Editions de Paris (2005)



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